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Post-Operation Information

After your procedure at All Smiles Dental Centre, post-op care will be essential to your recovery. Our Winnipeg dentists provide insight and advice on common procedures and symptoms you may experience.

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Dental Implants, Winnipeg Dentist

What is Post-Op Care?

After you've had your procedure at All Smiles Dental Centre, you'll need time to recover. Recovery time is determined by the type of procedure, your age, health, and other factors.

It's imperative to follow any post-op instructions given by your dentist, and to watch for any abnormal bleeding, swelling, or other reactions.

Symptoms may appear that need your attention. Some of the most common symptoms are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns following your procedure, please feel free to contact us.

Why is post-op care critical to oral health?

Ensuring you follow your dentist's instructions and follow best practices for post-op care can help you heal faster, prevent infections, and reduce complications such as pain and swelling.

Which procedures require post-op care?

Dental Implants

We expect that there will be very little pain following implant placement. Unfortunately, it's possible for a dental implant to become infected without causing pain.

We can determine if an implant is infected by examining it clinically.

Wisdom Teeth

There are no scheduled follow up appointments for most wisdom teeth removals. If you are experiencing excessive pain/swelling or any altered sensation please contact the office immediately.

Conscious Sedation

You must not drive your own car for a 24-hour period. 

Due to impaired judgment following sedation: you should avoid using social media for at least 3 hours following your visit. All Smiles Dental Centre is not responsible for inappropriate social conduct following sedation.

Symptoms and What to Avoid

Read this list of symptoms for advice on how to care for yourself after a procedure at All Smiles Dental Centre.

  • Pain

    Following any surgical procedure, pain is expected and is normal. Take the pain medication as prescribed on the bottle.

  • Swelling

    Following any surgical procedure, swelling is expected and is normal. Generally the greater the swelling, the greater the pain.

    External application of a cold compress to the surgical area is recommended and is most effective at reducing swelling if done in the first 24 hours after surgery. Keep the head and neck in an elevated position for 24-48 hours as it also helpful in reducing swelling.

  • Bleeding

    Following any surgical procedure, bleeding is expected and is normal. If we have place gauze in your mouth, stay biting on it for at least 30 minutes.

    This is very important as pressure will stop the bleeding. If we have inserted dentures in your mouth, stay biting on them for at least 30 minutes.

    The dentures will put pressure on your wounds and help stop the bleeding. There may be some blood in your saliva, this is normal – do nothing. Do not keep checking to see if the bleeding has stopped, this only dislodges the clot and promotes bleeding and increases your chances of infection. If you have concerns, please contact the office at the number below.

  • Infection

    The best way to prevent an infection is to keep the wound clean. Rinse with salt water three times per day for five days.

    The concentration should include one cup of water to one tablespoon of salt. Rinse for thirty seconds then spit. If you were prescribed chlorhexidine (Peridex/Periogard) follow same instructions as above. Rinsing should start no sooner than 24 hours after procedure.

    Infections become obvious on the third or fourth day post surgery. There is usually a dramatic increase in pain and swelling. If this occurs please contact the office immediately.

  • Eating

    As most surgical procedures are done on an empty stomach, it is recommended to have something to eat or drink as soon as possible after the procedure.

    Common sense should be applied. Foods that require chewing are going to be difficult to consume. Foods that are hot will promote bleeding and may cause a burn in or around the mouth. Drinks should be taken from a glass.

    Sucking on straws and alcohol should be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours as it may promote bleeding. Consumption of alcohol after 24 hours is not completely contraindicated but is not recommended for one week following the procedure as it may increase chances of complications post surgery.

  • Nausea

    Nausea is an unfortunate side effect of surgery. It is often the result of swallowing blood, Nausea can be treated with over the counter Gravol (no prescription needed) or drinking “flat” soft drinks.

  • Smoking

    Smoking/vaping should be avoided for a minimum of 24 hours following surgery. In addition to increasing the risk of bleeding, chemicals in the smoke/vapour could interfere with the healing process and increase the chances of infection and/or poor healing.

  • Bruising

    Following any surgical procedure, bruising is expected and is normal. It generally takes 10-14 days to disappear.

  • Brushing

    Avoid brushing over surgical site for 24 hours because it can:

    • cause unwanted bleeding
    • Increase likelihood of infection
    • After 24 hours continue brushing your teeth as normal taking care to be gentle around surgical site.

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